Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pastel Trinkets

...these are a few of my favourite _P.A.S.T.E.L_ things!

Photographic evidence of my pastel obsession brought to you by the completely addictive world of instagram.

In other delicious news, feast your pastel-hungry eyes on Bei Badgirl's new piece for the JapanLA 'Kittens & Icecream' art show party! Bei does pastel-japan-cute like no other... Yes, those ARE kitten-fish! ~*squeel*~ I hope one day I can afford to commission her to design and decorate my entire house (it will be a tree-mansion with lots of fairy lights, a purikura booth and mojitos on tap!)

Photo by Bei Badgirl

I'm off to paint my nails  mint candy apple  green by essie (pictured above next to the lemon sherbert hair-bow) and daydream more about my fairy light adorned, Bei painted, tree mansion...

Tiff xx

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